Year Of No Light / Thisquietarmy

ConSouling Sounds are a pretty young Post / Doom / Drone label from Belgium with more than just a handful of great releases in the past.

They are not that ‘big’, so one cannot expect a new release each week (unfortunately); but I do prefer a limited but well-thought emission of material, so you won’t hear me bitching; either about the (i-pooled) package we did receive recently, even though much of this stuff was released (or meant to be released) several months ago.



Retrovati is a one-man instrumental project originated by Panama City (Panama, Central America) born multi-instrumentalist Jose Pimentel, whom today lives in Chicago (Illinois, USA).

Deam Meahan

Dean Meehan is a Canadian (from Niagara Falls, Ontario) whom has been working in the music business for over 25 years now, both as a musician and behind the scenes with bands such as Blue Rodeo, Kiss, The Rolling Stones, The Tragically Hip, Great Big Sea, Kim Mitchell, Three Days Grace, Tom Cochrane, Matthew Good, The Guess Who and name but some of the better known.


Not a lot of info on this English band, because the trio from the Essex region is only a young band, formed in late 2011 when, on December 19, singer/ guitarist Nathan  “Papa JustifyLusher and singer/ bassist Julia OkraClark held an audition to incorporate Dan Bongo Spud GunBrown into their band as drummer.


One of my favourite scenes, at least when it comes to Pagan / Viking / Epic-oriented Black Metal, is the East-European one, with countries like Romania and Hungary more specifically. When it comes to the first one, Romania, well, I guess I did pronounce my appreciation more than once in recent reviews for acts like Satanochio, Negura Bunget, Avatar or Syn Ze Sase Tri (check out the archives-section).

The Peacocks

The Peacocks is a rockabilly band from Switzerland. The country doesn't have lots of punk bands to offer, but The Peacocks definitely is the most remarkable one. They don't make very difficult technical songs, the only thing that really matters for them is to play it loud.

Tempus Fusion

The music the progressive metal guys of Tempus Fusion put forward can easily be described as some of the biggest recent/new progressive metal I've heard in a while. It’s British progressive metal with clear stress on the power element. The production of To End It All is majorly polished and every single instrument is used in an innovative way. It's all incredibly powerful and this entire album sounds very harmonic, definitely in the vocal parts..


A Torch To Pierce The Night is the latest release of the Italian hardcore band Purification. With this album, as the title gives a good reference, these Italians want to make the world more aware of the advantages of a vegan straight edge lifestyle. With songs such as Anatomy of a failed revolution and Traders of one thousand diseases, they succeed quite well in bringing their message across, but it's not completely working musical wise.


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