Malthusian hail from Ireland and were formed in 2012 by former or current members of e.g. Abaddon Incarnate, Wreck Of The Hesperus and Mourning Beloveth; indeed, quite impressive it is! The quartet recorded its first demo at the Sun Studio and the material will be released on tape first, followed by a vinyl edition and mini-CD later on.
What they bring is something that sort of is a revival, a resurrection of the Glorious Past. Old School-inspired and Doom-laden Ultra-Death Metal with an extremely morbid, obscure and oppressive atmosphere, and a grim, raw and suffocative sound, inspired by the likes of Asphyx, Morgoth, Incantation and many more… Since a couple of years there are hundreds of bands that try to perform this re-invented style, and many do really succeed to do it in a mostly satisfying way. To the list of bands that are TOP, please add these Irishmen. What they bring with this demo is TOP!
All right, a label like Invictus is sort of specialised within this kind of magnificence, but with this band they are about to hit the bull’s eye. The three tracks, lasting in between six and ten minutes (twenty four minutes for three compositions is what MMXIII clocks), bring a mostly venomous, obscure, grim and asphyxiating form of sometimes blasting and skull-hammering, then again ultra-slow, almost funereal-like and gloomy so-called Morbid Death Metal, carefully (but masochistically) piercing and penetrating the membrane with the Doom-Death and Black Metal scenes. It sounds quite horrifying and mesmerizing at the same time, and in case you do appreciate stuff in the vein of Ævangelist (see updates posted on February 15th and February 8th!) or one of the many same-minded and comparable War / Doom-Death / Black / Morbid Death formations that dwell around lately, you cannot but fall in love with this noise…
Finally this: I NEED MORE! When can we expect a full album??? SOON, I hope!