
Due to unfortunate circumstances, CONCRETEWEB will be put on hold (permanently?). Unforseen incidents and personal decisions force me to stop my (almost legendary) reviewing activities. For more than twenty-five years, it was my ultimate pleasure to get in touch with such fine people: musicians, label owners, promotors and other people involved with 'our scene' in any way. Some of you I dare to call 'friends' in the mean time; some of you do deserve my deepest respect and most humble appreciation! However, I do not have the time, the energy or 'the pleasure' to continue at this time being.

Yet a word must be said. I do still have some releases I truly want to finish (read: writing a review and publishing this material). It might take some time, but I promise I will. And hey, once in a while, when I feel like, I will write down my thoughts for sure on new (or older - why not) material as well. But please, do not feel obliged to send me new material (to be reviewed) anymore; I won't / can't promise, you know, and so on... You can still send me promotional stuff evidently (because I am such a great person, or so, hahaha), but I do understand if you stop sending me download codes or physical material - ah, you know what I mean. It was a pleasure anyway to work with (most of) you!

Thank you for so many years of sonic supremacy - long live Dark Underground Aural Artistry!!!


This webzine exists to pay tribute to everything that might / must be called DARK UNDERGROUND AURAL ART: (most kinds of) Black and Death Metal, Funeral Doom /// (Blackened) Sludge, Post-Hardcore /// Teutonic Thrash, Blackened Thrash Metal, old styled Speed Heavy Metal /// Progressive, Avantgarde /// Shoegaze, Post-Rock /// Ritual Drone, Cinematic Ambient, Dark Ambient /// Dungeon Synth /// Nordic Folk, Ritual (World) Music /// Ritual Noise, Harsh Noise Wall, Death Industrial, Power Electronics, Black Ambient /// Ambient Noise Wall, Horror Ambient /// Witch House, Vaporwave, Dark Electro, Gothic, Cold Wave /// Angst Pop, Post-Industrial /// Martial Industrial, Neo-Classical, Neo-Folk, Apocalyptic Folk /// Doom Ambient, Winter Synth

I'm dedicated to the Underground, to those labels, bands and projects that deserve all additional promotion, attention, support, whatever... This site writes about sonic majesty for the elite!


[no A.I.-generated articles here; everything is written 'from the heart and the mind' by real human beings!]

(dedicated, forever, to Dirk)

Thu 13 Mar

Album Reviews

Wed 12 Mar

Album Reviews

Tue 11 Mar

Album Reviews

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