
Kojoohar & Frank Ursus

Frost Drought is the result of a collaboration in between Ukrainian project Kojoohar (Andrii Kozhukhar of Kadaitcha-fame) and German Frank Ursus (Te/DIS). Both guys accidently met, and after some conversations, they decided to do something together. It resulted in the recording of four rather short compositions (in between three and four minutes), written by Kojoohar (who performed all instrumental parts), with Frank Ursus providing the lyrics and vocal parts.


Hold hands and take a journey into loneliness and despair. We have all been there, we just put the soundtrack together to your terror. Welcome to a place of warmth and tears.


I will not go too deep into my ‘acquaintance’ with Kadaitcha. My initial ‘appreciation’ has, besides my acquaintance with the sympathetic Andrii, two sonic sources as well: the Tar album, which just blew me away (figuratively, for I am too muscled -hehe- to be blown apart), and the collaborative work Dotla, a symbiotic effort of Kojoohar and Ködzid Goo.


[a short one for being sold out – at least the tape-edition of this remarkable live registration – yet still worth being promoted anyhow, and in support of / respect for Thomas]


Eternity is but an instant

T x R x P aka Trepaneringsritualen, the main outfit of Thomas Ekelund, do not need any extended introduction, so I won’t delve too deep into this great project’s past. I will go to the content immediately.


The word ‘holotrop’ is Greek and means something like exerting yourself towards fullness. The project which this review deals with, took this name from the main member’s inspiration by a psychologist from Czechia, who developed the ‘holotropic breathing method’, which might guide you to reach a stronger, more focused level of the conscious state of mind.

Michael Idehall

For about a decade, Swedish sound artist Michael Idehall creates a very own-faced form of Industrial under his own name. before, he was active under different pseudonyms too, but as Michael Idehall, this guy from Gothenburg is the most successful one. He always ‘tries towards manifesting an opening to a world beyond mundane. The creative process involves honing in on the nexuses between the flows of mind, matter and spirit. Nexuses which exist inside the human being, but also in the outer world, as conglomerations of energy and matter.


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