Full Contact Records


Yea-hah...Slussenanalys is back with a new...single?...I'd hoped the Finnish band might have enough material by now to record a complete album's worth of music!I mean, the band's debut album, Aquila Helvetos Asfaltos (re-issued on CD earlier this year – see review by yours truly posted 24/07/2013 for additional details) was already released at the end of 2011 so, is it that inconceivable then, that the band might have written enough material by now?

Lord Fist

When you'll check the atlas for the hometown of this Heavy Metal act, you'll find that Mikkeli is a relatively small place in the middle-of-nowhere of Finland, some 225 km NW from Helsinki, situated at the northern side of Lae Saimaa. When you'll dig a little deeper, you'll however find that the Mikkeli is also the capitol of the province of East Finland, and inhabits some 47,000 souls! Not such a small place after all!


With little info to be found anywhere else, I'll introduce this new act to you with the text also posted at the label's website (altered, of course, to the usual ConcreteWeb criteria):

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