So, there's a tail bit to the review of the double CD version of the recording this band had done of their concert of Tilburg's 013 venue, eh?
Sure there is, you see, rather than putting on the house lights, so everyone understands they're to go home, they left it up to the audience to holler some more, and call for a return of the band. Which of course happens, with mock stories about Mike almost being in the showers, or Steve almost getting into his sleeping bunk (when you knów that even the second encore was a calculated move, you know!). It then comes out that the band rehearsed one extra song during soundcheck practice that day, and the guys play their spunky version of Deep Purple's “Space Truckin'”, with lead vocal passages for both Casey, Mike, and Steve...and a short drum “solo” (actually Steve and Casey jump onto the drum stand, the first for some additional drumming, the second for some tambourine play) for Mike. And now here's the ugly thing: that extra track is NOT featured on the CD version of the album? Why, one wonders, when there's obviously enough space on those two discs to contain the complete 1 hour and 54 minutes' soundtrack of the concert?
An additional bonus on the DVD comes with a 48-minute documentary of the project (entitled First Flight, by the way), with interviews made at 013 and extra footage thrown in from the band's shows in the US, of a show in Hamburg, and of a show in London...as well as footage from the meet 'n' greet prior to the Los Angeles show, and footage of the band rehearsing prior to the tour. Things you cannot see on a CD? Dave plays a 5-string bass! Steve and Casey jumping on Mike's drums stand for the latter's “solo”!
In short, a great document to a wonderful show, and as per usual a DVD gets a higher rating than the album. I mean, having seen the DVD, I would not have wanted to have missed it!