I was sort of pissed off when I received this album. It has nothing to do with ‘not liking’ the sh*t, because I was sure I would appreciate this material. The reason for that ‘liking’ was the demonstrational recording Demo MMXI, which I did review somewhere in Spring 2014 (check the site on the March 5th 2014 update). But apparently ZOM did release some of this material too on vinyl and I was not aware of that. What a [censorship]!!! So you can imagine my frustration.


De Baroeg
Pictures by: 
Eus Straver

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It has been released more than four months ago in mean time, this vinyl-effort, but since I did receive this stuff only recently, and for this material is oh-so jummie… Besides, it’s stuff provided via Invictus Productions, and who am I to ignore this superior label…

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