Hyperborean Age Reocrds

Order Of The New Templars

Ario-Christianity was (and still is) some philosophical ‘trend’ (I usually do not like to use the word ‘trend’, for it refers to an inferior vision on specific subjects – but you might know what I am trying to explain right now, I think), elaborated by the (former) monk (+ scholar / philosopher) Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. This theological theory was sort of the primal basement for an organization he started, called Ordo Novi Templi. The term ‘Götter-Elektron’, by the way, does come from one of his works.


In the introduction for the re-release of Black Sorcerers Fortress by Endoki Forest, I gave a short description about the history behind the guy who runs both the young Hyperborean Age Records label and the interesting projects he’s involved with. So I am not going to repeat myself; check out that chronicle in case of interest (link: below). I just wonder: John, where are you?! What with the label?...

Endoki Forest

Several years ago, I came in touch with an American human being, who ran the Volk Lore Music collective. He was the same guy involved with several projects, especially solo-outfits, dwelling within the most obscure corners of the music(k)al spectrum. I wrote a couple of reviews for some of his projects (Visoteric, Herrenvolk, Endoki Forest), but then things faded away into silence. Until now…

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