Lower Silesian Stronghold


On March 28th 2016 I did publish a review for Malmort’s Vox In Excelso, this French band’s debut full length album for Hass Weg Productions. Via the very same label we can also experience the sophomore full length, Excerpta Funebris. Once again, the songs were recorded at the La Grôlle Studio (except for the drums). The lyrics (mainly written by vocalist Reicheran) are in French, with some Latin excerpts injected.


Flamen are a young outlet by Italian instrumentalist Bartlett Green, whom you might know from his co-operation with Warnungstraum especially. Bartlett wrote some material which he would record professionally, and since he was looking for a ‘singer’ that would vocally fit to his ideas, he contacted Aryan Art’s Alexander Ivanov.


The Italian band Mortifier, which shares (or better: shared) members with e.g. Buio Omega, was formed during the first half of the nineties. In that period, they did record some demonstrational material, as well as the full length Darkness My Eternal Bride - which was, by the way, one of the first releases on the Battlegod Productions roster (hello Buio Omega once again…).


It was at the end of last decade that Balkor (the Toulouse-born guy involved with e.g. Pestiferum, Mourning Forest [(1)] or Caterva Runa) decided to start a new project in order to focus even deeper on the whole Old School current we all adore. So he started writing new material under the Halsfang-moniker, and step by step the realisation of an album transformed into a final stadium.


Blåkulla are an outfit by a French guy who calls himself Surtr Blackmoon Emperor aka S.B.E. (sometimes also active as Sveigdir Bölverks Einherjar). He released two recordings before, Darkened By An Occult Wisdom in 2011 and the EP Hymns To The Past Glory in 2013. Now he returns with his second full length, which gets released in an edition of 1,000 copies via Lower Silesian Stronghold, the label of Dark Fury’s band leader K.


For quite some time Malmort, hailing from the Rhône-Alpes region in the East of France, are terrorizing the scene, but Vox In Excelso actually is the band’s first full length release despite about a decade of existence. Hass Weg Productions did send me over this 2012-release, as well as 2014’s Excerpta Funebris, so I will review both of them, of course.

Dark Fury

This Story Happened Before… It’s the damn truth! It did happen before. Many times. In Europe, in Asia, in America. Centuries, many centuries ago it happened. Last year it happened in Paris. And now, Brussels… Leaders of Europe: pay attention! This story happened before and it might happen again!


French outfit Griffon, nowadays with current and former members of e.g. Moonreich, Neptrecus, Septentrion etc..., signed to the honest (Underground) label Hass Weg Productions in order to have their debut released the most decent way. In 2014 the band did also record and release an EP (crazily called Wig Ah Wag), but I did not have the opportunity (yet) to enjoy that material.

Mourning Forest / SAD

And Nothing Shalt Remain is an ‘older’ split-release on French (top) label Hass Weg Productions, done by Greek duo SAD (absolutely quite a productive outfit from Athens since, in mean time, more than a decade, and they have been on the Hass Weg Productions roster before) and French act Mourning Forest, who are totally less productive than their Greek colleagues.

Celtic Dance

Celtic Dance are a Portuguese band formed two decades ago by Laldaboath, Tzaboath and Conquerer. After the recording of the 1998-debut Ancient Battlecry, Laldaboath and Tzaboath decided to leave, but Conquerer continued his activities with Celtic Dance. FYI: the re-release of that strong debut album was reviewed by undersigned and posted on this site on July 13th 2014.


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