Sanctus Daemoneon
Sanctus Daemoneon are a two-piece band (vocalist / lyricist Corso and music writer / multi-instrumentalist Cyrus Paice) from Denmark, formed in 2006 and creators of two full lengths and one EP / MCD, respectively Grey Metropolis (Regimental Records, 2008), the unaVOIDable (Negative Existence, 2010), and Nothingless Nothingness (Dunkelkunst, a sub-division of Kunsthauch, 2009).
Zifir are a Turkish band with two full lengths and a split in their discography. In 2007 Zifir released You Must Come With Us (via Poem), and in 2011 Protest Against Humanity (through Dunkelkunst, a sub-division of Kunsthauch). And in 2012 there was the split with Belgium’s top-act Cult Of Erinyes, a side-project of Psalm.
Cult Of Erinyes
When I heard the debut full length of Brussels-based act Cult Of Erinyes, called A Place To Call My Unknown (released in spring 2011 via Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions, a French label that never disappoints; for the review on that first studio full album, check the update on June 2nd 2011 in the Archive-tab on this superior webzine…), I was completely blown away (still there are some fleshy leftovers and bloody spots on the wall behind me). That album must have been one of the strongest, most surprising albums from 2011!
Neige & Noirceur
Very recently I did review the newest album by Quebec-based act Neige & Noirceur, Gouffre Onirique Et Abîmes Cosmiques, posted on June 1st on Concreteweb. But this one-man project has a pretty impressive, and highly interesting discography as from 2005 on. This review deals with a re-release of Neige & Noirceur’s second demo, 2007’s L’Abîme Des Jours, L’Écume Des Nuits, originally released via defunct Ohio-based Dungeons Deep Records.