Satanath Records


This review does not deal with the band Hadopelagyal from the German city of Leipzig, yet with the band Hadopelagial from the German city of Leipzig. Confused? Well, when I did receive two releases at around the same moment, both by a band from Leipzig with (almost) the very same name, except for one single letter, I was sort of confused as well.


This time I am not going to give a ‘full biography’, for I’d like to refer to one of the other reviews I did for this Swiss project (links below) or, for additional info, for any other review I did for several other projects that involves Monsieur Sergio ‘Bornyhake’ Da Silva.

Eclipse Of The Sun

The history of Hungarian band Eclipse Of The Sun goes back to the very end of this century’s first decade. Hailing from the city of Székesfehérvár (close to the Balaton lake, appreciated enormously by undersigned for its fine winery – egészségére!), as a five-piece they did create a first untitled demonstrational EP, soon followed by Symbols, consisting of four new tracks. Several line-up changes followed throughout the years, but in 2015, the band came up with their first official full-length album, Daimonion (independently released).

The Malice

Ah, sometimes it is truly fine to get confused in a positive way. That’s exactly what happened to me when Aleksey from Satanath Records (amongst others) informed me about the debut of the project The Malice. I have to admit that I did not know this entity, but apparently it’s a pan-European collaboration of two famous and experienced sweeties.


How many extreme bands do you know from Kazakhstan? I have to admit that my knowledge was limited to just a handful of acts from out there. But I do follow for some years is SevenSins, originating from the far East of this immense country, quite close to the Russian Federation and not that far away either from China or Mongolia. Anyway, this band started as a Death Metal oriented act at the end of this century’s first decade, and throughout these years they released three full-length albums and one EP.

From The Vastland

The origins of From The Vastland are rooted in Iran, the birthplace of founding member Sina. Iran actually has an extremely small yet enormously interesting Black Metal scene, but breathing ‘Iran’ and ‘Black Metal’ in one gasp is not always that evident. Some acts therefor remain in anonymous spheres, but in the case of From The Vastland, Sina took the decision to move over to Norway. For more information about this story, check out the .net or the information in some of my previously posted reviews.


There are different definitions, or explanations, for the world ‘arallu’. But most of the time, it refers to the Mesopotamian / Babylonian / Sumerian mythologies, with ‘arallu’ being a kind of entity, or a genie, spawn from Enki, master of storm winds and bringer of darkness, then again referring to the underworld itself, where the dead got judged by the deities Nergal and Ereshkigal; a dimension also known as Irkalla, Kur or Ganzir.


I have to admit that I do not know that much bands from FYROM aka the Former Yugoslavian Republic Of Macedonia aka North Macedonia nowadays. Born For Slaughter, Aeon Arcanum, Maras or Tremula are a handful of bands that I do appreciate, but I have to thank Satanath RecordsAleksey once more for introducing me to Vehementor.


Well, this was something I did look forward to so passionately! When Aleksey Korolyov told me there would be a new Abigorum album, I couldn’t wait to listen to it. I was (and still am) very impressed by all former material he created under this moniker. But there was more. Apparently he did not create this album on his own anymore. No, this time he co-operated with some other musicians, turning Abigorum from a solo-outfit into a real band.


Greek multi-instrumentalist Dimitros ‘Dimon’s Night’ Sakkas did form Inhibitions about twelve years ago, initially assisted by the guttural throat of Coprojunkie (both of them are / were in Humanity Zero too, by the way).


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