Our Mother Electricty is nine well penned southern bluesy rocking tunes with emphasis on hooks, melody and soul. Even though most of the album is wrapped up in a contemporary sound All Them Witches contains a vintage vibe. Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Doors are obviously major keystones in this band's approach, considering the psych riffarama structure of many of these songs. Every song is masterful, filled with great melodies, fantastic interplay, rich soaring flowing textures of guitars and the vocals, especially the harmonies, are really good.
“Heavy/Like a witch” opens the set with full blown in-yer-face 70s hard organ rock a splendid track with a stirring groove and a guitar/organ rhythm mixture that blends surprisingly well together. There are a couple of songs that will stand out as immediate and catchy when listening to the disc for the first time. “Guns” nods its head vigorously in Nebula’s “Smokin’ woman”-like direction. “The urn” is southern bluesy-toned, warm, with just enough of a ragged edge to give it character and credibility. “Easy”, “Elk blood heart” and “Family song, actually the whole album,” share a laid back psych feeling that recalls Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Liquid Jesus and more recent Black Mountain, Sleepy Sun, The Flying Eyes and Black Cowgirl.
Our Mother Electricty is absolutely delicious, addictive and beautifully created.