Good to know, “Evil unleashed / give’ em war” is a rerelease of the first 2 albums of this Spanish band, the info sheet tells me that we’re talking thrash, but in my opinion Angelus Apatrida are just as much a power metal band as they are thrash. This review also only refers to “Evil unleashed” for the simple reason that that’s all the promo package proved to me contained…. Anyway Angelus Apatrida come as a nice surprise to me as even today good quality metal bands from Spain are a rare breed. Angelus Apatrida obviously know there classics, as all throughout the album one can here influences ranging from Mid career Metallica, Megadeth and any decent metal band from the 80 and early nineties out there ( “Ouverture the Dictate versus“ Megadeth’s sweating bullets anyone ?) and no doubt the young more melodic Phil Anselmo (think Power metal and Cowboy’s from hell) has been an influence on the vocal style from Guillemo Izquierdo , (more obvious on tracks as “Backbone crusher & Gone away” ). Overall, this album stands for solid riffing, great leads , good vocals and guarantees a trip down metal memory lane, whilst trying to guess they were you heard this before… Still it’s better to be a good copy then a lousy original….. Angelus Apatrida are the first…..