Florence based Italian Speed/ Thrash/ Black Metal act Barbarian [do not confuse with the 2003 founded Heavy/ Thrash Metal act from the Girona area in Spain (which already left us a 3003 demo, a 2006 live album and full-lengths in 2007 and 2009), the 2001 formed Black Metal act from California (which released two 2001 demos - current status uncertain), or the Power/ Thrash Metal American outfit (which only left us a 1987 demo, and definitely no longer active)] was founded in 2009 by the trio of Borys Crossburn on guitar and vocals (also active with Children Of Technology), D.D. Prowler on bass, and Lore on the drums (formerly of Abracadabra, he is currently also still in Murk, Noia and Pistons...in other words: a very active dude!), taking Venom, Bathory, early Sodom, Possessed, Mantas, Buldozer, Hellhammer and Discharge as examples for the building stones of their own music.
A self-titled 6-track demo released in January 2010 was eventually picked up by Doomentia Records, and re-released through the label in November 2011 as the band's debut “full-length” (with no added tracks, the album was only 27 minutes in length) LP, with Despise The Sun releasing the CD version. Next up, the label released a split mini-album, pairing Barbarian with Sicilian Blackened thrash Metal act Bunker 66 (the first bringing 2 new songs and a Death SS cover, the second playing 3 new songs and a Convulsed cover), in August 2012.
For their sophomore album, the band recorded 7 songs, resulting in almost 34 minutes worth of sound, which is best enjoyed when the above mentioned influences are to your liking. You can listen to some songs and view a couple of videos at the “Music” section (only “We Are The Profane” and “Inhale The Dead” are off the new album) of (www.) facebook.com/barbarian. The band also has pages at MySpace and ReverbNation (the latter most probably with the same material as on their facebook page). End conclusion : somewhat average retro TeutonTHrash-likened music, really, but with memorable melodies and god recording sound!