Five years later ... and the wait was well worth it. Cult of Luna is back with a new record deal (on Indie Recordings) and a new album, Vertikal, that shows there has been no loss of power or post metal attitude over the years. Vertikal is a CD that fits nicely in with all those previous Cult of Luna CDs.
The vocals combine the best of the scream style that fits so well with post metal, but with enough flowing vocal inflections to please any metal aficionado. “I : The weapon” leaps out of the speakers with angry force, the epic “Vicarious redemption” burns with shimmering heat that truly showcases Cult of Luna’s cinematic synth versus larger than life massive wall guitar riff-maturity, and the blistering “In awe of” leaves nothing to the imagination. While I would never consider Cult of Luna to be a progressive band, I do hear their willingness to take risks in a prog metal like manner. A track like "Mute departure” takes the band away from stereotypes and pushes their music in a more Seigmen-like vein – and it's hard to dislike that. Vertikal paints a colossal picture that sets the imagination ablaze.
Vertikal is a powerful return to one of post metal lesser-known legends and the chemistry of the band is apparent with each and every note played and not played. If you're unfamiliar with this band, this isn't a bad place to start. Fans, of course, will connect with this CD instantly. All in all, this album is a classic.