Deathkings is heavy, very heavy, the album gives us only 4 tracks but with the total length just passing the 40 minute marker, it can be validated as being a full length.
Right from the starting riff of “Halo of the sun” it‘s clear what Deathkings are all about : progressive, Sludge, dissonance at it ’s best; the vocals are often raw often but there is also room for a “clean“ voice, both styles are adequately handled by guitarist/vocalist Daryl Hernandez and bass player Nicolas Rocha. 2 two shorter tracks on the album “Martyr (vol I)” and “Martyr….(vol II”) are and close Destroyer are on the one hand interchangeable with the opening track but on there, there is no denying that this album is obviously a feast for fans of let’s say, Yob, Eyehategod, or (anyone remember) Grief… but I believe also open minded fans of old Paradise lost and MY dying Bride , can probably handle Deathkings.
Desertfest/Roadburn programmers out there…here is a band which should be on the shortlist for the 2015 editions.