Devil’s Train released their self-titled debut album, which was highly acclaimed. Many thought this would be a one-off release, but the band around former Mystic Prophecy singer R.D. Liapakis went on, and now releases it’s second album in the same line-up. The other members of this band have of course also earned their credentials, drummer Jörg Michael having previously played in Running Wild, Saxon and Evergrey, bass player Jari Kainulainen having starred in bands like Masterplan, Evergrey, Stratovarius and finally guitarist Lakis Ragazas also having played in Mystic Prophecy.
What these guys bring us is some good old school style hard rock, with some blues influences, and spiced up by traces of stoner rock. Their music is energetic, and screams to be played, and heard live in some dark club, while enjoying a few ice-cold beers, but I guess you’de be playing air guitar and banging your head so fiercely, you wouldn’t have time to enjoy that beer. However I find they should have stopped at eleven songs on this album, and should have left out the two covers, one being Steppenwolf’s ‘Born To Be Wild’, the other being Led Zeppelin’s ‘Immigrant Song’. While the first, besides not adding anything new to an already good song, the second tries to give another approach to this song, being heavier and faster than the original, but giving no real bonus to the song.