Devildriver, A band from Santa Barbara California (whose name refers to bells Italian witches used to drive evil forces away) from hit singles like “Hold back the day” or “Clouds over California”. This time the band returns after their previous album (witch wasn’t that long ago) and is about to unleash its latest album called Winter Kills.
And I must say that I’m pleased to hear that the band went a little bit more back to their roots. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with “Beast” or “Pray For Villains” before that, I loved it that they tried new things on those records. But this album feels like coming home, a little bit more trash and melodic death instead of groove is the best way to describe this one. And I can only applaud to this. So Boys, keep up the good work. Now excuse me, I’m going to listen to this pearl a little bit more.