Embrace Of Disharmony are a new Italian progressive metal band, hailing from the Rome region. They are fronted by Gloria Zanotti, who sings the main vocals, whereas Matteo Salvarezza plays the guitars, and does the harsher vocal parts. So far they had only released a demo and an EP.
However, fans of what I’d call classic progressive metal like Dream Theater, should be warned, since Embrace Of Disharmony’s music is more complex. There are hints of Dimmu Borgir, and I’d dare to say that even Crade Of Filth seeps through now and then.
But enough said about genre, influences etc. Let’s focus on this album. For starts most songs are a least five minutes long, if not longer. The music is also very complex, with countless tempo changes, but also with lots of changes between pure instrumental parts, and parts with vocals. Keyboards are of course a major ingredient of this type of music, and it must be said that they sound very good on this album, and are correctly dosed. On the minor side is maybe that the vocals are not always at the forefront of the song, but that has probably to do with the production. It is not an easy album, by which I mean it needs several spins to hear all the intricacies they’ve mixed in their songs. Not easy it may be, but I like it though. It’s something out of the ordinary, refreshing, yet also sounding familiar.
A very good debut, I’m looking forward to their next album.