A band that has enjoyed as much worldwide success and acclaim as EPICA should have every right to rest on their laurels and stick to the proverbial "winning formula". And yet, as their fans across the globe are well aware, EPICA has never been a band to play it safe, and they've never made the same album twice. EPICA has earned its reputation as one of the foremost symphonic metal bands by repeatedly shattering expectations and pushing the very limits in the genre. Current members are Simone Simons | vocals, Mark Jansen | guitars & vocals, Coen Janssen | synths & piano, Isaac Delahaye | Guitars, Arien van Weesenbeek | Drums and Rob von der Loo | Bass.
With the Dutch group Epica everything goes better and better their sixth studio album “The Quantum Enigma”. To make the album bigger Epica start most of their cd’s with some bombastic, BIG Latin choir. This brings some tension to begin the next killer album. And yes “The Second Stone” from the first note headbanging en every time they do it with me, leading me to a goose bumps moment. There are some up-tempo numbers but also tracks like “Unchain Utopia” what a story, starting with a choir that take the title role in this song and carrying you further is the song. Every time I here an album from Epic I am surprised how they can make this music every time. There are believers and non-believers but I like it. And if you like it to go and get this album. And with some great art work.