About 4 ½ years ago (posted 08/12/2009 to be precise, and therefore perfectly researchable in our “Archive” section), colleague Ivan reviewed this Oslo based Norwegian Thrash Metal act's full-length album Harbouring Hate, and while on the average I find his reviews to be quite informatively complete, some details were missing, and a possible mistake was made. So, putting the dots on the i, I'll repeat the band's history...
...which started in 1990, with K.J. Lerväg (of whom we now know that he was also with Blackened, Valhall and Paradigma) on the drums completing the line-up of singer/ guitarist Anders Moen, guitarist Ronny Hansen (whom also holds a tenure with Enthral), and bassist Morten Steen. This constellation of the band recorded and released the Wrath Of The Righteous demo in 1991, and in 1993 Lervag left the outfit. The band went on for a while with new drummer LRZ (currently known from Dunkel:heit, he also bashed the skins for the likes of Red Harvest, Sirius, Terranoidz, and Vampire State Building), but then the band indeed faded away quietly.
The core trio of Moen-Hansen-Steen returned to the scene in 2002 with new drummer Jan Roger Halvorsen (who's current cv included tenures with Old Man's Child, Mandylion, and 54 for certain – I have found no confirmations about Ivan's claims of the man having played with Rotting Christ, Zensor, or Aphelion), and released no less than two 4-track demos in 2003 (entitled Scream Therapy and Break Me), which they followed up with the 3-track Turning Pain Into Hatred, in 2004. Now, I don't know where colleague Ivan got the notion that there was already a first full-length (a possible info sheet was apparently not enclosed with the promo copy of the album, or I would now be keeping that in the website's paper archive, see?), but my sources talk of Harbouring Hate as the bad's debut full-length...making With These Fists their sophomore outing (no info was included with the promo copy of the new album either, you know!).
As already mentioned by my colleague, Forgery's sound comes rather close to that of Death Metal acts in the Scandinavian (especially Norwegian) area, “...but the massive tracks also incorporate ingeniously composed technical elements and timeless melodies...”! There's certainly an element of Groove in the songs, as well as welcome changes in pace and structure, and the whole makes Forgery's music both timeless and memorable. For a possible listening session, surf to the band's own (www.) forgeryhq.com, which will re-direct you to the band's MySpace page (which I have regrettably not been able to check for content)!