It's safe to say Havok has one goal: 'Thrash 'til death'. These denim and leather-clad metal warriors have quickly released their sophomore album Unnatural Selection. Much like last year's excellent Time is Up, Unnatural Selection finds Havok fast, frantic and damn near flawless. Yes, much on Unnatural Selection will echo elements of Sacrifice, DRI, Slayer, Kreator, and others but phantom lord, can these Denver lads play thrash! “I am the state” is a ferocious beast, attacking without remorse and offering no quarter. The riffs are classic crossover thrash, chugging at the speeds of a runaway locomotive. The track “Give me liberty” begins with an intro reminiscent of early 80s Metallica before unleashing with Kill As One-era Death Angel thundering, Artillery-tinged velocity. “Living Nightmare", a true standout track, features a bridge that should make Megadeth think back on its early days. The guitar interplay between Dave Sanchez and Reece Scruggs is sheer pleasure to the ears. Vocalist Dave Sanchez is the primary force behind this album. His voice is very reminiscent of Sacrifice's Rob Urbinati/Dave Mustaine/Mille as he tears through menacing rockers like “Under the gun” and “Worse than war”. The title track ends the album as a closer should, leaving you battered, bruised and begging for more.