There's hardly any info on this Finnish band (which apparently has homebases in 4 different districts of the township of Helsinki, namely Käpylä, Ogeli, Pakilla and Paloheinä – the latter a favourite hotspot for nature lovers), except what's on their facebook (in Finnish), so I'll just copy what info the label gave us along with the download copy of the album, okay?
“Hopeajärvi is an eight-legged marvel, a symmetrical creature from a piano string, dancing asymmetrically across the highest of high-wires. Imagine Trumans Water and the young Esa Saarinen inhabiting one lyrical whole, laced with meat-counter philology, and then douse it with a criminally deceptive tunefulness: this is the sound of Hopeajärvi's self-titled debut album. But that only tells half the story; the other half is yet to be written. As the record plays out and its seven tracks worm their way into the listener's skittering memory, new phantasms will elicit old feelings; Post-Post-Punk. As the rest of the world still tries to carry on with its chores, the work of Hopeajärvi will offer a burning overview on everything else...and they shall be dancing in the streets – symmetrically and asymmetrically, expectedly and unexpectedly, like nothing you've heard before and everything you've forgotten...”!
Whààt...!?!? Eight-legged marvel? Oh yeah...four band members, by the names of T.Tnr, Apostel Safonen, Johnny Dunkkis and Huntin Seteli Sarkofagi (that info from the band's facebook page, and no indication as to whom plays what kind of instrument – for the most part, it sounds like the habitual two guitars + bass + drums + lead singer + backing singer...and an occasional keyboard [on the tracks “Tytti”, “Juo Rahat” , “Mies”(?) and album closer “Kinnostaa”(?) - the question arks standing for uncertainty]). A marvel? Sure is! The music is both melodic and a-melodic, in that the guys can start on a certain melody and then break off with a noisy interlude or different pace...and return to it. Yeah, people into Post-Punk progressiveness should have a great time with this band...even if they won't understand two successive words of the acclaimed poetic ramblings of the singer(s)...who do their stuff in the Finnish language, see? Still, I've always found something weirdly attractive and exotic at hearing someone sing in a language I didn't quite understand, and in the past I've always been somewhat partial to bands like that! You can listen to just the one more “conventional” track (“Kuoppa”) on the label's site (www.) ektrorecords.com (no audio available on the band's facebook, where you will however find a list of upcoming and past Finnish gigs)
I would not call this a debut full-length though, because 7 songs making for just under 21 minutes, to me, that's a mini-album! And mind you, neither did Ektro in its presentation of the band...in fact, they willingly call it a 12-inch, without adding the usual “LP” to it. Available in only 500 copies of standard black vinyl, by the way! Recommended if you're into wacky things...like me, really!