Jorn Lande, whom we probably all know, be it as vocalist in Masterplan, his solo work, his work in Avantasia and much much more, has joined efforts with Trond Holter guitarist in Wig Wam. Together they have created this new Rock Opera about Vlad the III, better known as Vlad the Impaler, or even better known as Dracula.
Jorn Lande impersonates the main character Dracula himself, while the other lead vocalist is Norwegian singer Lean Floitmoen, who represents Dracula’s first love Mina.
Unlike most other rock opera’s however, what is lacking here are the long instrumental parts, and there’s also no storyteller to make the link between the different songs/episodes.
As always, Jorn’s vocals are fantastic, while the music is a mix between what I’d call classical 70ies hard rock, and modern power metal. And while I found the last two or three albums Jorn released were rather mediocre songwise, I liked this joint effort very much. It even brings us a refreshing sound, like a mix between swing and heavy metal, just listen to ‘Swing Of Death’ and you’ll know what I mean.