This will be a short / quick one: five-piece Karne (craving for a piece of bloody meat right now too?...), hailing from France (line-up: founding member and vocalist Eingeweide, drummer Bael, guitar players R. and H.K.A., and bassist Hraesvelg), finally release their debut full length, the first official release after the 2012-demo MMXII (extremely original, not?...).
What does it stand for? Actually, it totally lacks of originality. Sounds like a negative or disappointed introductions, but that’s not what I am aiming for. No, not being renewing does not necessarily mean unworthy, as you might know. In this band’s case I do not mind their clear tribute attitude. Faith In Flesh brings nothing but fast and energetic, highly melodic and somewhat epic Black Metal, totally rooted within the Nordic tradition. Yet since the quality of the song writing and performance is absolutely superb, this is such thing that deserves attention. The collection of non-stop fury obviously finds its inspiration in the Swedish and Norwegian scenes, and there can not be anything wrong with that can it?!
Just for your information. This band was formed by Elo ‘Eingeweide’ Isdead, who’s also known from her project Darkarma. She does the vocals, and believe me if I say that she screams better than many male colleagues. What a forceful throat, totally filled with hatred and anger.