Okay, for starters, there's a band named Mutoid Man, which plays a “Synth-Punk” and includes bassist/ singer Chris Bauermeister (ex-Jawbreaker and currently also with Shorebirds), singer/ guitarist Matt Canino (ex-Latterman, now also RVIVR and Shorebirds), moog player Joey “The Joester” (Doomhawk, The Pharmacy) and drummer Jeff Doyle (Chin Up, Meriwether!, Hail Seizures, Shark Pact)...who have an album out on Rumbletowne Records.
Thàt is not the Mutoid Man we have to deal with now...obviously! Thís Mutoid Man is the Brooklyn, New York based band which was started as a project back in 2012 by longtime friends Stephen Brodsky (guitar & vocals; of Cave In) and Ben Koller (drummer; of Converge). For about a year, at least whenever their respective bands would allow it to happen, the two converged into the rehearsal place to jam out, picking up where they left off with the Cave In Shapeshifter/ Dead Already cassette-single (which was written with Ben in the band), and taking that sound formula as far as they could! Imagine Koller bringing his usual adrenalized type of drumming, with Brodsky squirming out some wacky fuzzed-out Psychedelic/ Progressive riffs 'n' leads, flooding the whole with his typical kind of vocals, soaring with a clean edge at one moment, then with utter wrath at other passages. Imagine that in the compacted form of 7 songs which stay within the 2- and 3-minute length (total length of the album is a mere 17 minutes, so do the maths about the average yourselves, eh!). It's ecstasy baby...pure enjoyable lol!
Of course, you've gotta be into it, for sure, and to find out whether you really are (and perhaps also to find out what the above description answers to in actual audio), check out the home page (scroll down) at (www.) facebook.com/mutoidman (you'll find a drum cam video for the track “Scavengers”, Mutoid Man with the frontwoman of Holy Diva covering Black Sabbath's “Falling Of The Edge Of The World”, and footage -two last songs of their set that day – of MM playing an in-store show at Los Angeles' Vacation Vinyl). Which regretfully does nót give you the chance to listen to MM's “The Manimals”, with which they close up the album, and which is in fact a grindingly heavy cover of “(Please Don't Let Me Be) Misunderstood”! Oh, before I forget: the project has since reverted to an actual band, recruiting one Nick Cageao on the bass. And...wanna hear the really good news? Besides being released on CD, the album is also issue on vinyl...in three different colour schemes! I want one of those, darn...