It all started at the end of the Eighties. Henrik Björkk aka Kremator aka Nordvargr decided to start a band that would be an outlet for blasphemous prophecies, yet from a unique sonic spectrum. Maschinenzimmer 412 were born. Under this name, there were two recordings, Macht Durch Stimme and Malfeitor (the latter was released via the (sadly defunct) cult label Cold Meat Industry). Then Henrik stopped his activities under this name – he continued with Pouppée Fabrikk? But hail to the Evil One, because with the assistance of some same-minded dark souls, Maschinenzimmer 412 resurrected from oblivion. The only difference was the change of name, from Maschinenzimmer 412 to MZ.412.
Stylistically, there was an evolution going on as well. Macht Durch Stimme and Malfeitor brought something like Ritual Electronic Dark Industrial Music (yeah, I like to play with such definitions), and with In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi, the approach evolved – which I will come back to immediately. Anyway, In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi was originally released in 1995 via, once again, Cold Meat Industry. There was a re-release in 2010 via Cold Spring Records, and now there is another one via Italy’s AnnapurnA, but this time for the very first time on vinyl (2-LP actually, and quite limited; 180 g vinyl with gatefold and slightly adapted cover artwork). The album was recorded in 1994 with long-time collaborator Siegfried Meinertz behind the knobs, by Henrik, here known as Kremator, and his sweet orchestra consisting of Shaitan, Drakhon and Ulvtharm.
The band is sort of known for the terminology ‘Black Industrial’, a style they sort of created as from the early years. Especially the 1996-release Burning The Temple Of God is the best example to explain this sound. It is that album too that is admired all over the world, and considered to be MZ.412’s best album to date (and partly I do agree, for what it is worth). But both albums released under the Maschinenzimmer 412 moniker, and also this In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi, cannot be ignored that easily either. Okay, the latter, maybe, very maybe, might not yet have that overwhelming attitude of Burning The Temple Of God, but nevertheless I think it is a milestone as well within the worldwide Industrial scene.
So, In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi clocks over one hour, divided over the nine original chapters (yet in another order) and two additional ones. It mingles elements from Ritual Noise, Death Industrial, (Power) Electronics, Harsh Noise, Drone Ambient, and why not Black Noise Metal Ambient Ritual Drone Music, and so on, with a lot of experimental injections, additional samples and much more. This time I am not going to describe each single composition; it would bring me too far, and this review deals with a re-release. But I will focus on some remarkable elements. Listen for example to the spoken words (sampled) in In Nomine Dei, adding that semi-sacral atmosphere to a very cold, eerie ‘song’. You might also enjoy the martial, even militaristic attitude of Salvo Honoris Morte, a scarifying piece that already sort of heralded the intensified approach to come as from MZ.412’s next recording. Or what about the tribal drum patterns in Necrotic Birth, including weird sampling at the background (including some baby’s cries, indeed…). Or the simply asphyxiating atmosphere of God Of Fifty Names, with its cacophonic destructure and harsh sound.
Both ‘new’ songs (yeah, imagine ‘song’ in a review for MZ.412, almost cynical) are very fitting to the whole In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi concept; the luggish and oppressing hymn Surge 2 with its evil electronic structure and abyssal atmosphere, and In Ritual Of Blood And Oath, being indeed very sinister and ritualistic, seen from the most bleak and malicious kind, and expressing a horrific and misanthropic view on humanity and its only future / solution: death!
Anyway, vinyl lovers do now have the opportunity to search for this cult classic for the first time (and there will be no repressing whatsoever!); and in case you come from another solar system in our universe, and you might not have this album yet, then it is now the one and only moment to search for this excellent – and unique! – recording.
Soon I will upload a review on this band’s latest recording, Svartmyrkr, released via Cold Spring Records. Pay attention!