Practically no info is available on this band, except in their native Russian on the band's two facebook pages...so here's what I dó know:
Neo-Folk project Order Of Victory is completely dedicated to the Russian soldier, heralding the individuals' heroism against insurmountable odds in 8 tracks with themes from World War I, the Civil War, and World War II. Two tracks apparently use the poetry of Russian poet N. Gumilev, in a single composition. The marching rhythms and dark lyrics are meant to force the listener to think earnestly about such things as courage, memory, and hope.
For the most part, the music I hear can be completely synthetic. A drum machine might actually do the trick, as it can usually also perform simple atmospheric keyboard woulds as well as “drum” sounds. But a couple of the tracks seem to use actual instruments. There's “The Blood Of The Dead Summer And The Bitter Tears Of Winter” for instance, in which I seem to hear either a harpsichord piano, or a mandolin (hard to tell, really), and during “Artillery Bombardment” one can discern the sounds of a mandolin (or somesuch like string instrument) and a harmonium. The project's vocal approach is somewhat unilateral, in that for the most part the two singers continue in a very specific style, one a notch higher on the musical scales than the other. When you log on to (www.) facebook.com/OrderOfVictory, and scroll down the page you will, at one point, find the posting of the album's song “Citadel”, in which that specific vocal style is displayed. The used sample at the beginning of the track, by the way, is also typical for 6 out of the 8 tracks. I daresay that musically, the track is however not that typical for the album, being the liveliest song on the album, musically speaking. The percussion sounding like a hammer being slammed against another metal, also gives the track a slight Industrial undertone which is not found on the rest of the album.
Well, weird stuff this...and it's a pity that I didn't understand more than one word in the lyrics. As far as the thinking about the lyrics goes, I guess this is meant for those who understand Russian only then? Ooh...by the way, if you're wondering what that thing on the album cover is, you might scroll down that facebook page some more, and find it's a line drawing of a monument at the memorial complex for the Soviet Army soldiers which died in fights for the town Voronezh (some 525 km South of Moskow) during the Great Patriotic War in 1942-1943.