Doomed To Destroy Destined To Die is a pure old school metal album, but it is not only inspired by the thrash death scene (Testament, Kreator, Morbid Angel) from the Eighties. The album also has a strong Entombed touch and parallels to early Suicidal Tendencies and DRI are unavoidable. All the tracks are SS-20 pieces of thrash crossover metal/hardcore and shows how a thrash death core song has to be constructed. Strong riffs, uncomprimising melodies, melodic solos and Chuck Billy/Petrov-like growls underline Ramming Speed’s potential.
Ramming Speed have of course not the same flair as the aforementioned legends, and although their music isn’t innovative at all, it is always a pleasure to listen to such a cool piece of old school crossover thrash, free from any current trends and commercial aspects and crisply but visceral produced by Kurt Ballou (Converge).