Sometimes doing reviews as a hobby is a shitty job, you have to listen album after album and you wonder if mediocrity is the new standard to beat… but then there is this one momen that you stumble on a release which is something different, something good…. VERY GOOD. One of this moments is the exact moment that I started listening to RETURN FROM THE GRAVE‘s “Gates of nowhere“ After the intro opening song “words in words“ immediately makes it clear to the listener what RETURN FROM THE GRAVE s all about, nl, vintage seventies heavy psysched out doom heaven.. Check out the riffing and lead work on “Center of the will“ or “ the rage of rays” and try not to let the rythms and vibes take control over your body… It can’ t be done . Convince me that haunted tunes like “uncovered fate“ or “River in the sky” do not result in you wanting more of this drug called “RETURN FROM THE GRAVE” If the wait for a new Uncle Acid & the deadbeats is to long then this is an excellent alternative.