Sacrocurse are a very young act, formed in 2012 by Mexican sweetheart Carlos ‘Zolrak’ Montes, whom you might know from acts like Unholier, Obeisance, Nokturnel, Adumus, Morbosidad or Nodens. With friendly assistance of a friendly guy called Godslaying Hellblast, Zolrak and his Sacrocurse-project debut with a four-track demo-tape, Sulphur Blessing. The material stands for fast and fiery, drilling and blasted Death/ Black Artillery-Metal with a barbaric and demonic touch of grimness. This is the kind of material that made my days during the second half of the nineties (note to ‘defend’ myself: it did please me before that era as well, and since then I am still getting lusty by such a tones of unbeauty). Don’t expect any additional embellishments; no choirs, symphonic intermezzos or classically skilled solos. Just the essence of sulphurous Chaos, and that’s the way we do like it, not?!
For fans of: early Morbid Angel, Impiety, Abomination, Bestial Holocaust and Nifelheim.
A full length soon, pleazzz…