Seeing as we're dealing with a Black Metal act here, and with a label specialised in the more extreme forms of Metal, I wonder why the editor-in-chief did not hand over this album to my college Ivan, whom is, after all, the specialist in that field of music. Oh well, he probably got confused because the label isn't mentioned in the info sheet that came with the (download) promo copy of the mini-album, and besides...far for me to actually complain about the mix-up, as I dó like the occasional deviation from my “usual” genres (not only am I quite fond of some more extreme music from while to time, but also the alternation prevents one from getting stuck in a rut, doesn't it?).
Now you may feel here's a weird bandname, because in fact there's no actual word in the dictionary. However, when you'll google the word, you'll find out it's an abbreviation, a so-called “mnemonic” based on the first letter in Latin of the “Seven Deadly Sins”, namely superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, and acedia. The Trondheim (North of Norway) based project known as Saligia was started as an idea in late 2006 by former Fordervet's Ahzari (another Black Metal solo project where he actually operated under the name of EWvH, and with whom he released only two demos in 2004 and 2005). In 2007 he then collaborated with a drummer known only as “N” to record a first 2-track demo entitled simply Rehearsal 07. The year following, and apparently still with the same drummer, saw the release of 3-track demo Seven. Later that same year, saw drummer Malach Adonai (known from his former work with Helvetespine, and currently still active with Dedsengel and Nephilim) taking place on the drum stool, and in this line-up rehearsals started for the recording of the 2010 released 3-track demo Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, which served as an appetizer for the album by the same title which was released in mid October of 2011 through Berghest Records.
Not long after the release, the duo (which apparently occasionally played gigs with the help of guitarists P. and K., and bassist A., with Ahzari taking care of “strings” - I guess that's keyboards, actually...although I hear none on the EP at hand...so it might be guitar, after all) separated on mutual consent, as they had musically grown apart. In 2012 V. (full name Vegard M. Berg, formerly with Stàlànde) was approached to fill in during gigs, and eventually became the second member of the duo going under the monicker of Saligia. Together, they reworked some material which Ahzari had already written in part, and wrote new music to boot, in order to make up for the 4 tracks of this EP, which was recorded in January of last with producer Cristian Broholt.
The band hailing from Norway, and the term Black Metal having already fallen, we're not far from generalizing Saligia's music s Nordic Black Metal, but there's certainly nuances. The track “Maveth, Malachim”, for instance, is far calmer than the other songs...and through the different type of vocals even gets a Gothic feel! Overall, the pace in the other tracks is quite faster, but there's again a calmer passage in the album opening “Per Aspera Ad Astra”, allowing for some variety. I had trouble getting onto the band's own website (www.) saligia.info (actually, the message said it could not bé viewed!), but luckily the facebook page (find links for both at the band's page on Encyclopaedia Metallum akà (www.) metal-archives.com) has a link to the EP's Bandcamp page, where you can listen to all 4 tracks. So, enjoy!