For those of you into the works of such bands as Rainbow, Uriah Heep and Led Zeppelin or more recently Rival Sons, Wolfmother and Audioslave comes the latest Nuclear Blast signing, Scorpion Child’s self titled album from this Texas quintet led by frontman Aryn Jonathan Black is knee-deep in 70’s blues psych song structures, beaucoup de fuzz, and groooviness. The strongest characteristic of this five unit is the singing of Aryn, he has ample opportunities to shred and he really comes out with excellent and bad to the bone throat excursions. The band rocks out when appropriate, lean backs into a Led Zeppelin III- atmosphere and just rips off fantastic tunes with the exactly right attitude. Songs like “Antioch” and “Red blood” showcase the Zeppelin-esque feel of their music best Aryn’s vox taking centre stage. These guys quite clearly are very good musicians, and their level of performances is one of the most enjoyable factors when listening to songs such as “Paradigm”, “Salvation slave” and the single “Polygon of eyes”. There are weaker songs here, the Saigon Kick-like “In the arms of ecstacy” and “Liquor” seem to lack a little something, although both are played with the same impeccable taste and feeling the rest of the album displays, so they certainly aren't bad songs, just don't compare with the finest moments here.
Perfect band synergy and song writing add up to Scorpion Child being another Nuclear Blast Records winner.