Jeff Scott Soto is back with a brand new album, and the world will know it ! Being born in the same year as yours truly, Jeff is a person that since the early eighties has appeared in countless bands and projects, as well as doing solo-albums, but it’s been years since I’ve heard him rocking like on this album. What he brings here is metal in it’s purest form. That the man had, and still has a phenomenal vocal talent is simply a fact. Who else could have handled the vocals in bands that sound that different, starting with Ynwie Malmsteen over Takara, to Journey, Axel Rudi Pell, the list goes on. But the band he has formed here around him is not only a big surprise, but equally as phenomenal. Jorge Salan from Spain on lead guitar, BJ on guitars and keyboards, David Z on bass and finally Edu Cominato- Brasilian on drums. While I previously stated this album was a metal album, this does not mean Jeff Scott Soto has forgotten what he has done in the past. A lot of energy may emanate from this album, being some sort of release of Jeff’s pent up emotions, bus he has not forgotten the musical side of it. There is a mosaic of musical influences in this album, with also some funky elements in it as well.
If you ask me, this is the crown on Mister Soto’s carreer, I believe strongly it’s the best album he has ever released so far. A masterpiece from start to finish. Woe to you who won’t buy this album – and I mean buy, not download !