And now, for something completely different! Uh...nah, not the Monty Python Flying Circus show! There's really nothing to laugh about here...except perhaps for a small contented smile on the face of our Jazz-lovin' readers, you'll ….darn...I let the cat out of the bag!
Okay, so now you already know that the band we'll be talking about here is not to be confused by the short-lived Canadian Hard Rock act which released a self-titled album on Rebel Youth Records in 2008. In fact, thís Sound And Fury comes from Finland and is, in essence, the continuation of the band which was started by Finnish composer/ drummer Edward Vesala, whom founded the band (now a nine-piece act) back in 1986, releasing the albums LUMI (1986), The Death Of Jazz (1990), Invisible Storm (1992) and Nordic Gallery (1995), before dying in 1999.
In Spring 2010 the band's original horn section, consisting of Tane Kannisto, Pepa Päivinen, Matti Riikonen and Jorma Tapio with guitarist Jimi Sumen, put the band together again in order to play a 10th anniversary memorial concert to their former band leader, and do a short tour in Finland. Along on board came bassist Sampa Lassila (whom had already played with the band during the '80s), and second guitarist Julius Keikkilä replaced pianist/ harpist Iro Haarla (his wife, whom was busy with her own band). Further completion of the band came with percussionist Hannu Risku and Ilmari Heikinheimo. Sun was the fun to be had, and positive the response from the audiences the band met during their brief on-stage period, that they came to an understanding that they should go on, and continue to play that type of music in a world which was in dire need for some of that...and therefore they contacted Vasala's widow in order to arrange some of the still available material of her husband's for them.
It's that material (7 new tracks) which now has been playing rounds in my cd-player for a coupe of days...and I assure you that, in spite of the fact that I'm not per-say a Jazz lover (although I've certainly listened to quite some records), that a smile came on my face with each listening session! I mean, here's music which could've been written by Frank Zappa, would you know!? Just imagine the possibility that, at the beginning of his career, Zappa would've had a more classical education, been a drummer rather than a guitarist, and not been the great singer which he was! Then imagine him also composing his music mostly for horn section, but with attention to some freaky occasions for the guitars as well, and mainly instrumental...well that could be what we hear here, couldn't it? I mean, just listen to the album's opening track Lamgonella Lomboo” [posted at (www.) ektrorecords.com], and tell me you can't hear any resemblances!? Oh wait, if you're lucky you'll also find the track “Nattuggla”...a far calmer track by the way, which is closer to Neo-Classicism, or even Folk music (and kinda evokes the coming of Spring in a snow-covered Finland to my mind) posted still on that page. It's also the song in which the guitars are the most subdued, but still present. For more music samples, look up (http://) soundcloud.com.soundandfury-3!
Great stuff, and I for one am looking forward on getting myself a copy of the album, when it comes out on vinyl. I also hope my editor-in-chief lets me off the hooks a couple of times in the year to come, so I can listen to the album another couple of times! Gosh...this is almost year-list material isn't it? Why...why not, after all!