It Was somewhere in 2010, when lead singer Elton Boussen, guitarists Brennan Caboor & Benjamin Moll, bassist Marvin Marteijn, and drummer Matthijs Quaars got together to start rehearse covers of the likes of Pantera, Machine Head, and Lamb Of God, and that same year the quintet went out of the rehearsal room, playing the local venues of their home base village Oostburg (South-West of The Netherlands) with great success and positive response from the attending audiences.
But such was the nature of the guys, that soon they were no longer content to merely copy the music of other artists, and so they sought out to compose music of their own, stuff that would be solid, powerful, dynamic, tight, and above all, energetic. Apparently the guys also understood that, in these days of ongoin' economical crisis(es) it's pretty near impossible to get a decent recording deal, and considering the high cost of studio time versus the benefits of owning one's own home studio, they invested in just such a thing, dubbing it The Woodshed (please correct me, if I've made a wrong assumption here, and the studio turns out to be an existing one outside the direct control of the band), where the band self-recorded, mixed and produced the guitars, bass and vocals on the album. Realising that, for the drums, one needs a different type of setting, the guys invested money for time at Eede's Sweet Sour Studio, and in order to get the best mastering sound possible, they next turned to Jochen Jacobs (Textures), whom gave the material his usual best at Amsterdam's Split Second Sound Studios.
If you're a good observer, you'll notice that the album was already released in March of last year, and in fact the band had already done some promotion for it back then, on their own. Something which probably stayed well within the boundaries of the band's own country (at any rate, I cannot remember the album reaching us). At the end of the year however, they contacted a professional agency (one which we are obviously also in contact with) to do some additional promotion, and that's how a physical copy of the album landed in my cd-player!
Considering the band's main influences, you would do good in assuming that the band plays a mixture of Groove and Modern Metal with Melodic Thrash and Djent elements, in which is laid a good portion of catchy melodies. Also in there, is some very effective vocal diversity, with the lead singer alternating between rougher and cleaner passages, in this aided by one of the other band members, at least! Sorry I cannot be more specific, but I cannot go in search of that info at the moment, my access to Internet being severely cut off for the time being. This also means I cannot tell you what music or videos you might find posted at the band's official web-space, (www.) facebook.com/tellurion...but whatever is posted there will certainly convince the casual (or not-so-casual, in case your reading this leads you to further investigate on the band, right?) listener of a very nice high quality grain of music, both in composition as well as execution.
If this type music is of your liking, I'd certainly advice you to go see the band should they be coming around your place to play (learn more about that possibility by checking the band's facebook page), as I'm told that the album is still very representative for what this band stands for!