Thanatos from Holland can be considered as one of the first wave of European Thrash bands as their history goes back as far as the mid eighties... GLOBAL PURIFICATION is the 6 th full length release since. Reason why only 6, has to be found in foremost bad luck with the records labels the band got involved with. Knowing all this it’s no wonder that GLOBAL PURIFICATION has all the elements on display which are must haves for a nowadays thrash band with roots firmly planted in the eighties . Nowadays I say because from opener GLOBAL PUTIFICATION it’s obvious that the band has not been afraid to add extreme(r) metal elements to their sound like blast beats and vocalist /guitar player Stephan Gebedy has always had a vocal style leaning close to a grunt. At the same time there is no denying that bands like SLAYER -INFESTATION OF THE SOUL to name one track still has an influence on the sound of THANATOS. Last but not least with band members having prominent roles in bands such as HAIL OF BULLETS,ASPHYX and MELECHESH one can rest assured that what ‘s on offer are 10 ( 11 if you have the limited digipack) well executed slabs of THRASH/DEATH.