Sweden and desert rock a match made in heaven…… Dozer, Greenleaf, Spiritual Beggers, to name a few besides Truckfighters.. “UNIVERSE” is the 4 th full length of these dudes, and what an album this is…… I dare say that calling “Universe” a stonerrock release is a actually labelling the band which something they have at least partially outgrown…. Outgrown in a positive manner that is. Yes they have the downtuned guitars yes they have the typical grooves, but they also have so much more….. especially the longer tracks such as “ The Chairman” or Mastodon” shows us a skilled band not going for the heavy riffing or fuzz all over, but a band that rather opts for complexity, subtility and great arrangements which – again- reaches far outside of what most people consider ye typical stonerrock.. If adventurous bands like Mastodon ( the hunter) Amplifier and Tool are your cup of tea, then dare to give Truckfighters a chance…