Immortal Frost Productions

Atra Vetosus

One of the many interesting bands on Belgium’s finest Immortal Frost Productions must be Atra Vetosus hailing from the Australian isle of Tasmania. This supreme Black Metal label from Flemish soil did release this band’s demo A Palace Shrouded In Emptiness, followed by two strong albums, Voices From The Eternal Night and Ius Vitae Necisque (the latter being a mini-album, actually).


You know, I was sort of depressed, for I didn’t hear anything about Immortal Frost Productions and possible new releases anymore since quite some time. In very early Spring this year, this Belgian label released Satan Ov Suns by Scandinavian top-act Doedsvargr, yet then all noise faded away into an ear-piercing silence. So imagine my semi-happiness when noticing that the label came back quite recently with – evidently – again a superb release.


It’s the unholy year of 2014. Ebola took a new step for mass extinction in the West of Africa. An airplane from Malaysian Airways crashed – no survivors. The idiots from Boko Haram had a great year, kidnapping those young girls, raping women (and men) all over the country, and burning villages just for fun. Russia sort of conquered both the Crimean Peninsula and regions in the East of Ukraine, with a bloody (civil) war as result. The f*cking Muslim terrorists from ISIS did think it would be fun to start their own state in order to ignore their insignificant and imbecile existence.

Khaospath (2)

~~Mark ‘Hellcommander Vargblood’ Azzopardi is a (talented) musician from Malta. He was involved with acts such as legendary X-Vandals (for sure one of the oldest bands ever from those Mediterranean islands, once formed as Vandals), Hell Rats and Martyrium. However, he is the very same guy behind mighty Draugûl, one of the several superb projects on Pesttanz Klangschmiede. I wrote two reviews for this solo-outfit in the past, and in a near future I will write one on the third full length album too – but that’s not relevant right now. Just stay attentive.

Khaospath (1)

In a couple of days I will publish the review for Khaospath’s …For The Devil Speaks The Truth, their latest record, released via Belgium’s Immortal Frost Productions (don’t miss it!), but first I’ll focus on the former full length by these Swedes (actually, the origins lie in Malta). I know that this is an ‘older’ recording in mean time, but then again: it is never, and I repeat: NEVER, too late to give some additional promotion and attention to great material!

From The Vastland

If you believe it or not (not that I do care about what you believe), but there sort of is a small and hidden yet highly impressive scene in Iran. Personally I owe (and appreciate) stuff from ‘out there’ within several of my favourite aural genres, like Drone / Dark Ambient (such as Xerxes The Dark, Alphaxone, Porya Hatami) and (different kinds of) Black Metal (Ekove Efrits, Margg, Silent Path, Aras, Nathorg, …), amongst others.

Ars Veneficium

Two years after their great debut EP The Abyss (you can still read the review posted on March 26th 2015; just enter the band’s name in the ‘search’-tab on top at the right), Belgian combo Ars Veneficium, an outfit that includes Immortal Frost Productions’ label owner S., return with the debut full length album. I did truly adore that first effort, and it was not just a lucky shot.


You know, it’s somewhat confusing to notice that Finnish duo Oath do not release their newest creation via Patologian Laboratorio Recordings. The latter is a label run by Aki ‘Grim666’ Klemm, who is part of many projects and bands that release their stuff via that label especially – think Kalmankantaja, Lathspell, Grimirg, Order Of The White Hand and many more.

Atra Vetosus

Ius Vitae Necisque is the third result of an unholy marriage in between Tasman-based act Atra Vetosus and Belgian label Immortal Frost Productions, after 2011’s A Palace Shrouded In Emptiness and 2013’s Voices From The Eternal Night (a review for that release, by the way, was put online on September 9th 2014).


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