Immortal Frost Productions

Darkest mind

Despite having some Gotmoor members in its ranks, it would be too easy (and incorrect) to consider Darkest Mind as a side-project of aforementioned top-act. The story started in 2014 or so, when Yuri ‘Y’ started this outfit as a solo-expression of the ideas he had. Actually, he wasn’t part of Gotmoor’s line-up yet, back then, which proves my former statement (about the ‘side-project’-thing).


When it comes to the name ‘Gurthang’ in terms of Tolkien worship, I won’t go too deep into the matter this time. ‘Gurthang’ was a legendary sword owned by Túrin Turambar, hero and protagonist in a tragic story – but even-though I am a dedicated Tolkien-fan, this review does not deal with the great books of that writer.

A Thousand Sufferings

I will not go too deep within this Flemish band’s history this time; I’d rather like to refer to one of the reviews I did write for their former full-length releases – see below for the links on Burden (Satanath Records, 2015) and Bleakness (Symbol Of Domination Productions, 2018). So, I will go almost immediately to the aural content of this newest effort by this act from Antwerp-based soil. But first a small introduction…


The Nordic-styled genre might be one of the most ‘popular’ subgenres within the Black Metal scene (with exception of some pathetic semi-commercial Pop-Black trends, which make me puke’n’vomit; but that’s another story). Nordic-oriented Black Metal has its origins within the Second Wave and somehow remained true to the roots of the ‘general’ Black Metal scene.

Thronum Vrondor

Belgium in general (and Flanders more specific) might not be that ‘huge’ as, let’s say, Norway, the U.S., Poland, Sweden or Botswana when it comes to ‘true’ or ‘orthodox’ Black Metal. However, this country houses so many excellent acts for sure. That’s the case right now, as it was in the past. It would be a stupid thing to sum up all bands and projects that deserve to be mentioned, but as part of that (unlimited) list, Thronum Vrondor must be added for sure.

The Stone

[[[ I am ‘into the scene’, if you want to call it this way, as from the Eighties. Hey, don’t laugh; I know that I’m getting old, but that is not my fault, okay. Anyway, (Black) Metal is like a passion, my lover, and with exception of my wife + kids also my daily number one satisfaction.


I was quite a ‘fan’ of German Black Metal paganists Thyrgrim, but for some reason, after quite a fine curriculum vitae, they decided to put the band on hold. A pity for sure. But some of the members decided to continue, and this under the moniker of MNHG. It maintains comparisons to Thyrgrim, but the core is quite different, as I will explain immediately.


First a very brief discography / biography. Antzaat were formed in 2015 and did release The Black Hand Of The Father (link: see below) in 2017 by the upcoming Belgian (Black Metal) label Immortal Frost Productions. No thanks; now you’re completely informed, dwelling in spheres of knowledge, in unlimited wisdom with me…

Atra Vetosus

To celebrate their tenth anniversary, Atra Vetosus satisfies its audience with the release of a new recording, happily called Even The Dawn No Longer Brings Hope. I’ll keep my introduction brief, for you can find more background information in my former reviews for this act from Tasmania (links: see below). Atra Vetosus were originally formed in 2011 by the Josh-duo (Josh Young aka Slikver, whom you might know as well from e.g.


The Finland based act Dispyt did not disappoint at all with their debut Den Ständigt Närvarande Ångesten, originally independently released in 2017 and re-released (+ re-mastered) in 2019 via Belgium’s Immortal Frost Productions. It is that very same label that now takes care of the releasing duties for the sophomore full-length album, Under Tiden Jag Sålde Min Själ Till Satan.


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