Lower Silesian Stronghold

Funebre Devastation

One of the many things I like on Polish label Lower Silesian Stronghold is their quest for new ‘talent’. On their roster, they house quite some artists / projects / bands that are sort of eternally related to each-other. This loyalty is remarkable and must be hailed. Yet then again, Lower Silesian Stronghold do not mind giving opportunities to completely new acts either. And what’s more, artificial boundaries are neglectable.


Muruth was formed in 2008 by a guy from Slovakia, known as von Ulfhednir. That very same year, a short demonstrational recording was released digitally (with assistance of a session singer), but then things turned into silence.


Nachtfrost is the name for a young project from Macedonia (the Greek part, not the FYROM! Krieg!), started by Lord Konrad aka Orthanc. There were some demonstrational recordings, which Orthanc created and performed himself, occasionally helped out by some guest musicians. The very same goes for the first full length album, Spectral Domains Of Dusk, which he wrote in 2016 and 2017, and which he recorded in between Summer 2017 and Winter 2018.

Sol Invictus

I used to be a ‘fan’ of Sol Invictus, but then I am talking about the project by Death In June’s Tony Wakeford (and apparently they reformed once more – but that is another thing). Another band with this moniker will be my next Sol Invictus adoration.


It took some time, it has been too long, way too long, but finally, after more than two years, LycanthropY return with a new epos, called A.V.R.E.I.L. A.V.R.E.I.L. stands for ‘anno volcanii, rex efferorum, imperium lucis’, and means something like ‘year of the volcano, king of savages, empire of the light’.

Pagan Temple

During the first half of the nineties, I did know a Polish band with the name Pagan Temple. I had not heard of them anymore since then, and investigation turned out to define their dissolution in 1996 after just over three years of existence. Anyway, when my dearest brother-in-pure-law K. did send me the album The Warriors Of Black Circles by a Polish band called Pagan Temple, I couldn’t imagine that it would deal with the very same band.

Odour Of Death

He might not be that well-known, at least outside his home country, but young Polish (now located in the UK?) multi-instrumentalist Kolan performs under several monikers. He’s the guy behind projects such as Antisemitex, Defenders Of Europe, Severe Storm or Bustum (solo or as instrumentalist), and quite recently he also started an outfit under the name Odour Of Death.


Quite soon after the full length Tysiacletnie Kajdany, which was this band’s fourth full length in a decade and a half of existence, Mystherium return with a new EP, Zwycięstwo. It’s a five-tracker that lasts for twenty-three minutes. The EP comes in a truly beautifully artistic CD-edition via Lower Silesian Stronghold, and there’s a (limited) tape-edition too (Werewolf Promotion). The material was mixed and mastered by Wojciech Cenajek at the Metal Sound Studio.


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