I wasn’t quite enthusiastic with 2013’s MCD Temнъiй Kopидop Owибok, released on Satanath Records (the parent label of Symbol Of Domination Productions, on which this new effort gets released), but probably it has to do with my personal, subjective preferences, likes and disgusts. I am not such a Hardcore-fan, you see. But despite my personal disliking of that scene, my objective part of the game as being a reviewer did try to focus on the essence rather than personal favoritism. Anyway, check out my review, if you want to, on that mini-album on this site’s update of December 2nd 2014…
БЫтЬ BЫше (aka Byt’ Vyche) consists of ten tracks that clock twenty minutes, and it surely goes on in the vein of the former material. But I think the average quality did increase. Still the basics are Punk / Hardcore-oriented with many elements from the Groove and Thrash scene. Still there is a fine balance in between melody and power, in between rhythm and catchiness, but this time I think the whole bends more towards the Metal-scene in general rather than the Punk / Crossover one. Maybe some initial fans won’t like this progression, but many metal-heads will. Yet still the whole is injected with punky anthems (especially the second half), Doom-laden structures, grinding eruptions, metallic supremacy and timeless heaviness whatsoever. This clearly gets expressed by quite some variety in between the several tracks. Of course, ten tracks with quite a short length (in between one minute and two and a half minutes) might not always be that diverse, yet in this case it is. With the outro the band even touches new areas of melodious integrity…
Do you notice quite a positive opinion this time? Well, I think I do not exaggerate with this modest appreciation. And I will go on, with expressing my acknowledgment for the fantastic sound quality too. But let’s just say that A.П. are a band that know how the narrow the borders in between the Punk and the Metal scene by means of Byt’ Vyche, and that’s quite fine.