Albez Duz are a German duo the recently joined Iron Bonehead’s roster. In 2009 these guys self-released an untitled debut album, mixing elements from Doom and Occult Rock into a mostly unique, extravagant creation.
Enter 2014, with the sophomore studio record, a long player (vinyl only) called The Coming Of Mictlan. And what made them unique before gets strengthened by this new record. The Coming Of Mictlan starts with the short track heaven’s Blind, which is some kind of shamanistic, ritualising and mesmerising spell of a truly attempting kind. With Fire Wings, Albez Duz continue the path they rest (not: left) after the debut. It brings a combination of Traditional Doom, ambient atmospheres and Occult Rock. But it is of an extremely unusual, and why not, original kind. Psychedelic Rock à la the late Sixties or Seventies, the ritualistic attempts from the Neo-Folk current, or elements taken from Epic Doom; it isn’t but a first glimpse on Albez Duz’ highly unique interpretation of dark-edged Rock / Metal. Throughout the whole album, the tempo is slow, so slow, so very slow. Hellhammer and Saint Vitus, Reverend Bizarre and Blood Axis, The Devil’s Blood and Sleep, Current 93 and Jex Thoth, Type O Negative and Trouble, say hello!... Besides, the melodies are thrilling and enthralling whole the time as well. On top of it, this material comes with vocals that are so apart from what we’re used.
Damn, this is one of the most difficult reviews I did lately. Not that I cannot have this material penetrate my (beautiful) brain; it’s just that the unusual totality is not easy to define. But believe me: The Coming Of Mictlan is a worthy experience, a warm journey through dimensions unexplored. There is so much variety, and still this band maintains a very specific, and unique (I know that I mentioned this before, but it is true; so, one more time: unique!) approach with several levels, angles and structures, yet for sure with one sole heart. Do not expect aggressive outbursts, because Albez Duz seem to explore the most deep-emotive dimensions of our being, translated in a quite trippy sonic journey called The Coming Of Mictlan. I would like you to join us on this inner voyage…
Oh yes, I guess not everybody will agree, but I get sick by the Tanita Tikaram-cover of Twist In My Sobriety. WTF???!...