If I’m not mistaken, this Dutch band called itself after a song by Ebonylake, taken from their 1999-album On The Eve Of The Grimly Inventive.
The trio released three full albums before, Lost, Everything and Only The Ocean Knows (via respectively ATMF, A Sad Sadness Song and, once again, A Sad Sadness Song), and the band self-released a two-track mini album in February 2013 as appetizer for this new, fourth full length studio record (one track from that mini, Hearts Of Light, is on this new album).
With Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love, An Autumn For Crippled Children bring a mixture of so-called Shoegaze (allow me to add a modest WTF-addition) and different Black-genres, like Post-Black, Suicidal Black, Atmo-Black, Melo-Black, and Black-Black-Blacker-Blackest-Black. It’s like this album combines elements taken from Nachtmystium, Alcest, Blut Aus Nord, Falloch and Wolves In The Throne Room. It means melancholy, yet not of the funereal kind, and grimness, yet not of the warlike kind. No, seriously; with this new album, An Autumn For Crippled Children go further than before with their eccentric, un-modest and rather megalomaniac definition of Black-edged Post-Metal atmospheres, searching for unexplored dimensions within quasi-maiden areas of bleak yet melancholic and melodic Aural Art.