Actually, I have never been that enthusiastic with any of Coronatus’ previous releases. And to be honest, I will not after this album either. With Recreatio Carminis, this German so-called ‘female fronted’ Gothic Metal act brings forty eight minutes of slightly pathetic orchestrations. It’s a collection of bombastic and symphonic Metal-injected Opera-Gothic songs with classical skilled voices, predictable riffs and rhythms, über-catchy melodies and poppy-approachable structures.
In comparison to albums like Fabula Magna or Terra Incognita, Recreatio Carminis is less boring, and it’s not such a masochistic punishment this time to listen to this material (and since I do listen to each album I need to review at least twice, it can be a challenge to hold on listening to aural boredom). On the contrary; this album even thrills a few times. No, let’s not exaggerate; I still am not a ‘fan’ of the band.
But anyway, there is an audience that surely appreciates this kind of Orchestral Pop Metal, so if you are into this genre, you might give it a try. But don’t come complaining afterwards; I did warn you, did I not?...