Since I am a divine appreciator of these two bands’ earlier efforts, I was extremely pleased to find out they did joined forces, more or less, with resulting in a split-collaboration. All together: hurray! Actually it was released in 2012 for the American market especially via Red Stream, and the vinyl freaks will appreciate the re-release on EP for sure.
No, seriously, my dearest Philippian friends of Deiphago did release a sublime album last year via Hells Headbangers (album’s title: Satan Alpha Omega) (I cannot find the review I did anymore on our wonderful label’s site??? Did some Filipino Antichrist have this stuff disappeared, or smashed through Purgatory with destination Hell? - Filipino Antichrist-review, an older registration of Philippinian Antichristian Greatness, for the interested ones, is available on the update 07/07/2010 in the Archives tab) and Ritual Combat I do know from their 2010-album Occultus Requiem only, but in both cases I need to add the description ‘grandiose’!
What Deiphago bring is a grinding interpretation of noisy Black Evilness with a certain Beherit / Blasphemy-attitude, but again with a production that is way too f*cked-offffff(x6x6). But in any case it is the exhalation of bestial and sardonic tradition, bringing the purity of Sonic Satanity to a mostly snowy peak. The track The Last Slaughter, by the way, is a Sarcofago-cover, and it’s not the first time this Brazil wax, eh, excuse me, this Brazilian act gets tribute by Deiphago. …or: how to pay tribute to the true ancestors…
The contribution of Ritual Combat is comparable, but less chaotic and rather Second Wave-directed. It’s a 666-aurality with a ritual aggression that might bring the earlier Pagan-scene to mind, but without the bombastic Viking-choirs etc. Only true Horror and Terror of course…
Finally this: the 12”EP will be released in a limited edition of 500 copies only…