
Album Title: 
Death Beat
Release Date: 
Friday, February 16, 2024
Review Type: 

Memphis - Garish - Mitya DHS - aka Dekonstruktor - did create some mind-twisting yet satisfying stuff in the past (amongst which the split with Megalith Levitation). In order to celebrate their tenth anniversary under this specific name (they were active as The Moon Mistress before), the trio recorded some new / renewed material at the Korean Room, Red Eyes Studios over a period of 2021 and 2022; produced and mixed by the band itself as well.

Enter 2024: the actual release of this newest full-length (after a relatively long break), called Death Beat, got released in a mutual effort by two trusteed labels, i.e. [addicted label] and Pestis Insaniae. Death Beat consists of six elegies, having a total running time of about forty-one minutes. It comes with quite unusual artwork - but hey, that’s a positive thing in this specific case! – based on the works of a certain Anatoly Fomenko, a Russian ‘mathematical art’ artist, and it does fit to the sonic / conceptual side of this newest Dekonstruktor epos.

Death Beat for sure is a new / another step within the permanently-expanding universe of this band. The formerly Stoner / Drone / Sludge / Doom approach is still represented at the very beginning. Opener Syndrome (08:09) indeed starts off as a monolithic wall of sound, with monumental string melodies and death beating drums. Yet soon the trio shows their uniqueness. Crazy and not always predictable tempo-changes, manipulated voices, shrieking guitar leads, and frenzy percussion treatment join the sonic ceremony, resulting in a highly-interesting and singular auditory experience.

Syndrome marks the basics, the spine for more than forty minutes of mostly morbid and abyssal Doom from the filthiest, most grim and most intolerant angle. Dissolved comes with that mesmerizing main theme, sludgy riffing, fine solo-work, majestic drum patterns and Southern / Stoner-based vocals (and hey, those riffs in the beginning, aren’t they somehow smoothly comparable to Samael’s earliest years [that doomed elegance à la Into The Pentagram]?). TTT, then again, seems to explore the oldest school that characterized Saw Throat, Scorn, Godflesh and the likes, yet drenched in a mischievous and blackened nebula. The shorter Symmetric Unfolding To Death exhales a dissonant and archaic, even anarchic orbit of psychotic Industrial Acid Metal. And I can continue, but I guess I made a point; a thick, formless and gruesome point…

Remarkable is the sound-quality. The production offers a specific procedure that combines unpolished rawness, psycho-grinding techniques and a multi-layered mix, leading towards a semi-industrialized tinge. That trippy mix and stoned production do surely intensify the force that characterizes this polyptych up to a level of sadistic (and somehow masochistic) delight. It creates an unparalleled solemnity, a proficient eminence that surpasses the known borders and trusted limitations of the aural spectrum.