Eddy Soto is the name of the Colombian guy behind Desecrator Of Evil, a Black / Thrash outfit that actually started as a Noise-Punk project at the end of last decade (initially as Demon Destroyer, then acting under the moniker of Bestial Destructor, until the final change-of-moniker in 2011). The project is named after a composition by Witchtrap, for your information. Eddy Soto performs everything himself: vocals, guitars, basses and drums (no more drum programming, but ‘real’ drums).
This self-titled release gets released on Eddy’s own Demon Destroyer Records, and it consists of twelve tracks, older and newer ones, which are pretty short for the better part, but there are some lengthier pieces as well. It stands for extremely primal / primitive Black / Thrash Metal with a huge Punk-attitude. The tempo is enormously energetic and speed-up, with quite some variation, despite the shortness of the songs. But then again, it’s so primitive and ‘easy’ in execution, though I am pretty sure that we must not take all this too serious. Even the artwork reeks of sarcasm and sardonic fun! It’s like a tribute to the scene from (more than) three decades ago, which gets even expressed by the sound: raw and unpolished, little under-produced and minimally mixed. And evidently the very same goes for the lyrics; let’s tease you with some song titles to show the basic nihilism: Alcoholic Mosh, Pentagram Rider, Speed Highway, Bloodthirst, … Straight-forward, honest, ironic, purely essential, it’s just an idea to give…