Entartung are a German duo (vocalist / bassist / keyboardist Vulfolaic and drummer / guitarist Lykormas) that could please the audience enormously with their 2012-debut Krypteia (also on World Terror Committee), and all those who did appreciate this debut will surely adore this sophomore full length too. Main reason is that Peccata Mortalia totally continues the path once started with Krypteia.
It goes for the song writing, the performance, as well as the sound-production. It has been produced, engineered, mixed and mastered once again by both members themselves, so that they did not depend on any external influence, in order to create a concept that does fit totally to what these guys had in mind.
Like the former album, this one brings a mainly fast, rhythmic and energetic form of paganised Black Metal with a not-so-evident Second Wave attitude (‘not’, because the mix and production are much more ‘universal’ than an ‘average’ Nordic-styled band). And despite being original (why should they?), Entartung go little farther that the mediocre grey mass-act. Some atmospheric keyboard lines, piano intermezzos, epic riffs, variation in speed and melody, a couple of eccentric, quasi Post-Black-oriented leads, harmonious choirs, acoustic passages, doomy parts, … it does supply / support the necessary hot chilli pepper in the ass; and this isn’t but just a limited selection of what might characterise this project on top of their heathen tradition. What strikes me too is the multi-layered dimension of the songs. This can be possible only if each contributor draws the same line, and it does in Entartung’s case (read: both members act as a twin?). Every detail is well balanced (respect for the drum parts; these are really outstanding!). Even the sound is just superb: neat and decent, yet certainly not too clean or clinical.