A while ago I did write a review for the split Saturnia Tellus… Memories From The Eternal Cult, a collaboration of three Italian acts, released on Ukrainian high-quality label Vacula Productions. In case you might be interested to read this highly professional review, check the site’s update on March 26th 2015. Amongst those bands: Grimwald, an act from the city of Turin that released one single full length in mean time, 2012’s Über Grimlands Düsteren Wäldern (independently released). Before that album, Grimwald also released some EP’s, amongst which The Berserker. The Berserker was independently released at the very end of 2009 (with a limited edition on cassette via Wolfs Hook Records), but Vacula Productions decided to re-release this material on CD (because it’s worth it to get renewed promotion and support!).
That mini-recording was recorded by Sariel (vocals, guitars, bass) and Helvoth (guitars, bass, keyboards) at the Factory Studios and it consisted of five pieces. This re-issue, by the way, comes with an additional (bonus) track (yet with a rather disappointing production quality), which was part of this band’s contribution as well on the Saturnia Tellus…-split.
The Berserker brings a somewhat bombastic, atmospheric and symphonized form of traditional Black Metal, sort of balancing in between the primal essence of the old(er) school and the crafted elements of the newer trends (which does not, and I repeat: NOT, mean something like ‘trendy’!). the essence is based on melodious tremolo riffings and grim voices, supported heavily by a grandiose rhythm section (certainly being the truth) and lots of intermezzos synth-wise, and once in a while even piano-wise. The use of keyboards, synths and piano is of great importance (so are the acoustic guitars), creating that specific approach that characterizes this band. But seen from qualitative point of view, Grimwald are above the ‘average’. Normally, to give you an example, I am not that much ‘into’ semi-acoustic intermezzos, but just listen to a piece like Frostland and you will join my excitation…